The citizen curator is increasingly taking the initiative to collect and care for things, all kinds of things, that are changing the ways we see and imagine museums – indeed the world and things in general. In CYBREspace  auxiliaryMUSEUMS that are a meeting place, or more to the point a CYBERplace,  for citizen curators and the collectors of all manner of things. 

Think about it, there is a  collector with a museum around almost every corner. 21ST C musingplaces need to function as an alert zone for CITIZENcurators! Also, they need to be venues that allow CITIZENcurators in rather than exclude them.

Collecting is cultural production and a collection is a cultural product.

CITIZENcuratorship is not a new idea, or  an American idea, its not even a radical idea, but it is a dammed good one!

 Fell free to alert us to a CITIZENcurator or nominate one/some even if it means it is you.


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