QVMAG Strategic Plan 2018-2022

Strategic Plan 2018-2022Our world, our stories, our ways: QVMAG is a place where our community explores, connects and is inspired. We are northern Tasmania's authority on art, biodiversity and history
               . Read the Strategic Plan here(PDF, 10MB)

A 'VISION' is enunciated and notably it is 'aspirational' and that in the end does not allow for anything like a 'quantitative' assessment of outcomes relative to it.
• 'MISSION' is enunciated and again it is notable that it is again 'aspirational' and in the end it does not allow  anything like a 'quantitative' assessment of outcomes relative to it.

Laudable as the sentiment invested in these statements they do not offer anything that a strategy, objective or rationale can be gauged. Bureaucratically conveniently 'performance indicators' become elastic.

A 'STATEMENT OF PURPOSE' on the other hand would provide such indications that might be usefully measured. Without a stated purpose, arguably an operation becomes 'directionless' affording 'bureaucratic elasticity'.

It is of some interest that the Royal Society states its purpose as being "The advancement of knowledge" which in turn enables the society the measure its performance and guide its activities.

 • A purposeful strategic plan typically has the following characteristics:
 • A Statement of Purpose against which outcomes c an be measured and assessed;
 • A set of Objectives that flow from and relate to the operation's/businesses' /institution's purpose;
 • A set of Rationales that contextualise the purpose and  objectives; and
 • A set of Strategies that the operation/businesses/institution will employ to achieve its objective an fulfil it 'purpose for being' ... its 'Raison D'etre'.

Purposelessness is tantamount to functional unaccountability and a signal that functionally 'purpose' has been deemed as 'existence alone' being sufficient.

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